In April 2024, we hosted a group of students from Spain, who at their school also deal with a field that is also related to degraded areas. On April 19 2024 we visited some brownfield sites near Domžale, which we had known since our visit in 2019 and 2020. Students also did chemical analysis of water in Rova clay lakes using suitcases for analytical chemistry. The temperature of the sample of water was measured and the content of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate ions and the pH and total hardness were determined.
On June 23 2021 we visited some brownfield sites , which we had known since our visit in 2019. We described the situation; we noticed slight improvements at Turnše Castle; other locations (Vir oil mill, Rova clay lakes and Študa mill) do not show changes for the better. We visited all the locations because they are by the water. Students also did chemical analysis of water using suitcases for analytical chemistry. The temperature of the sample of water was measured and the content of ammonium, nitrate and phosphate ions and the pH and total hardness were determined.
On Thursday, March 28 2019, some 1st and 2nd year students went together with Geography teacher Petra Dovč and dr. Barbara Lampič from the geographical department of Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana in the field to visit and list some functionally degraded areas around the school. They compared the situation today with that of two years ago. Obvious changes were observed, such as the sale of part of the land, the demolition of one building and the construction of another.
On Friday, 13 September 2019, eight 1st and 2nd year students went to the field as part of the Brownfield sites E+ project. Under the leadership of dr. Barbara Lampič from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, we went to the Department of the Environment of the Municipality of Domžale, where we talked with the head Jure Košutnik about spatial planning and what the development will be in the brownfield sites. Then we drove to inspect the brownfield sites Krumperk Castle, fortified area Mlaka at the motorway exit and mill Študa, where the municipality intends to build.
On Friday, January 18, 2019, we attended the lecture, given by dr. Barbara Lampič, who was the project manager of the Comprehensive Methodology for Census and Analysis of Functional Derelict Areas, conducting a pilot census and establishing an up-to-date register in 2018. She tried to bring the concept of functional derelict areas and the importance of sustainable development closer to third-year students. In the end, she discussed some degraded areas in Domžale and its surroundings.