VOŠ, SPŠ a SOŠ Podskalska is based in the centre of the capital city. With its 100 teachers, it is a large school comprising of two segments, a tertiary and secondary vocational schools. The total number of students is 1000 aged 15-22, two thirds of whom, aged 15-19, attend the secondary school. They can select from a variety of study programmes ranging from food processing technologies, food testing, environmental and veterinary to admin studies. The school has a 150-year tradition of training beer brewers. Our environmental study programme is concentrated on waste management. The curriculum of all study fields of the secondary school is anchored in science and technology and interconnected with practical experience provided by internships and specialiststeachers. The school is well aware of the necessity of preparing employees able to participate in changed work environment mainly due to industry 4.0. This project will encourage students’ and teachers’ multidisciplinary approach, creativity, ability to negotiate, clarify, frame their opinion, communicate with peers in foreign language, all this supported by the use of ICT. The need of sustainable development is a key topic highlighted not only in our environmental curriculum, but in the technological and admin curricula too. Moreover, we feel that we need to incorporate education for active citizenship and learning through projects into the school programme, which would be encouraged by this type of cooperation.
The school can benefit from experience gained from currently run projects of KA1 mobilities, not only are we aware of the project management but also we can profit from the deep student interest and support of all teachers and the school management. Students are highly motivated by the eTwinning project. Our well-equipped labs allow more in-depth testing.