
Suure-Jaani Gymnaasium is a small rural secondary school with 62 students and 20 teachers. The school mainly specialises in sport and social science, an art department is under development. The students in the sport department can choose their speciality among athletics, volleyball, wrestling or football, and they have their special courses in addition to mandatory ones, connected with sport, and sports. The students of social sciences have additional courses in Philosophy, History, French and other. The school is located in the small town in southern Estonia. We feel that it is absolutely crucial to include Education for Sustainable Development (SD) into our school since the national curricula does not pay enough attention to the issues, and we as a small community need to make sure that our environment will be sustainable for next generations as well. Furthermore, cross-curricular approach is a key issue in the present learning/teaching situation; however, in reality everything does not work as wished due to various reasons – teachers lack of knowledge, the lack of basics in science, the lack of cooperation with the community etc. The project would help us overcome these obstacles and as a result, there will be raised awareness of SD and the possibilities to change ourselves and our community. There will be 3 key people in charge of running the project – the
English teacher Margit Kirss, the teacher of social sciences Heli Rahnu and the teacher of Science Ly Valdmaa. When these people leave the school in the future, there are several other colleagues, who are able to take over their roles. For example, the Health Science teacher Varje Aule, the
Science teacher Tauno Tilk. We already tried to launch an Erasmus+ project in the past but without success. However, we are eager to learn from other schools, students and colleagues, and in the future, we would have the expertise as well.